Why was this flag choosen?
Then Deputy Prime Minister Dr Toh Chin Chye was in charge of a committee to create a new flag to replace the British Union Jack, which had flown over the island for nearly 140 years from 1819 to 1959.
To ensure that flag would not be confusing, Dr Toh Chin Chye studied about other naations' flag.
Additional Info!
The National Flag was unveiled on 3 December 1959 at the installation of the first Malayan-born Yang di-Pertuan Negara (Head of State), Encik Yusof bin Ishak.
The National Flag consists of two equal horizontal rectangles, red above white. A white crescent moon occupies the upper left red section. Next to the moon are five white stars arranged in a circle.
Each feature of the Flag has a unique symbolic meaning. Red stands for universal brotherhood and equality of man. White symbolises pervading and everlasting purity and virtue. The crescent moon represents a young nation on the ascendant, and the five stars represents Singapore's ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.
Guidelines for the Use of the National Flag
Singaporeans, Government and other organisations may display or fly the National Flag to identify with the nation. Singaporeans are especially encouraged to do this during occasions of national celebration or significance.
How the National Flag should be used
- It may be reproduced in reduced size representations and displayed at all times, but regardless of size, it must be in its true colours and form, which is in the ratio of 3 (length): 2 (breadth). The official colours of the National Flag are Pantone 032 for the red portion and Pantone White for the white portion.
- When the Flag is displayed outside a building, it shall be displayed on or in front of the building. Outside the National Day celebrations period (1 July to 30 September), it must be flown only from a flagpole, and if it is displayed or flown at night, it should be properly illuminated.
- Within Singapore, it should take precedence over all other flags, subject to international practice. When displayed or flown with another flag, it must be in a position of honour.

How the National Flag cannot be used or treated
- The Flag cannot be used:
- as a commercial purpose;
- for the purposes of advertisement;
- in any furnishings, decoration, covering or receptacle;
- at any private funeral activity;
- incorporated or worn as part of any costume or attire
- on any private vehicle.
- No person shall produce or display any flag that bears any graphics or words printed on the design of the Flag.
- The Flag should be cleaned when dirty, and replaced if it has faded. After any washing, it should not be hung out to dry outdoors together with other laundry. Any worn out or damaged Flag should be disposed of properly, and not left visible in dustbins. Torn or worn-out Flags should be packed into a sealed black trash bag before being disposed of.
Use of the National Flag during the National Day Celebrations
In recent years, the Government has taken steps to use the National Flag for more purposes. The Government encourages individuals and businesses to fly the National Flag during the National Day celebrations period from 1 July to 30 September each year. During this period, the Flag may be flown without a flagpole and night illumination.
The business community in Singapore is also encouraged to fly the National Flag outside their buildings throughout the year. This message is not only for singapore organisations only. Foreign organisations are invited to fly the Singapore Flag as a sign of solidarity and friendship with Singapore.
Relaxation of Rules
In line with the changes to the Rules in the Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Rules 2007, National Flag decals and stickers, posters or other visual images may now be displayed freely.
Additionally, the National Flag may be flown on vehicles (both private and commercial) during the National Day celebrations period. The National Flag can be displayed on costumes and personal attire during the period with the requirement of the Flag being treated with respect at all times.
(adapted from:http://mystory.sg/content/1564)